
Här finner du mina publicerade vetenskapliga arbeten, och några populärvetenskapliga också.

Ringnér, A., Björk, M., & Olsson, C. (2023). What Was on the Parents’ Minds? Changes Over Time in Topics of Person-Centred Information for Mothers and Fathers of Children with Cancer. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 1-12.

Ringnér, A., Björk, M., & Olsson, C. (2023). Effects of Person-Centered Information for Parents of Children With Cancer (the PIFBO Study): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing. Epub ahead of print.

Neyra Marklund, I., Rullander, A.-C., Lindberg, K., & Ringnér, A. (2022). Initial Education for Families with Children Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes : Consensus from Experts in a Delphi Study. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing. Epub ahead of print.

Ringnér, A., Olsson, C., Eriksson, E., From, I., & Björk, M. (2021). A moment just for me : Parents’ experiences of an intervention for person-centred information in paediatric oncology. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 51. Published.

Ringnér, A., & Tiberg, I. (2021). När barnet insjuknar under uppväxten. I Övergångar i hälso- och sjukvård : ett livsloppsperspektiv och organisatoriska aspekter (s. 123–140). Hämtad från

Molin, J., Vestberg, M., Lövgren, A., Ringnér, A., Hällgren Graneheim, U., & Lindgren, B.-M. (2021). Rather a competent practitioner than a compassionate healer : patients’ satisfaction with interactions in psychiatric inpatient care. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 42(6), 549–554.

Ringnér, A., & Olsson, C. (2021). Recruitment of Participants : Involving Stakeholders Cannot Be Overestimated. Cancer Nursing, 44(2), 171–172.

Olsson, C., Eklund, A. J., Larsson, M., & Ringnér, A. (2020). Sexuality After Treatment of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma : Patients’ Experiences and Psychometric Testing of the Sexual Adjustment Questionnaire-Swedish Version II. Cancer Nursing, 44(6), 499–508.

Molin, J., Hällgren Graneheim, U., Ringnér, A., & Lindgren, B.-M. (2020). Time Together as an arena for mental health nursing – staff experiences of introducing and participating in a nursing intervention in psychiatric inpatient care. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 29(6), 1192–1201.

Lindgren, B.-M., Ringnér, A., Molin, J., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2019). Patients’ experiences of isolation in psychiatric inpatient care : insights from a meta-ethnographic study. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 7–21.

Molin, J., Hällgren Graneheim, U., Ringnér, A., & Lindgren, B.-M. (2019). Patients’ experiences of taking part in Time Together – A nursing intervention in psychiatric inpatient care. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28(2), 551–559.

Lindgren, B.-M., Molin, J., Lundström, M., Strömbäck, M., Salander Renberg, E., & Ringnér, A. (2018). Does a new spatial design in psychiatric inpatient care influence patients” and staff”s perception of their care/working environment? : A study protocol of a pilot study using a single-system experimental design. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4. Published.

Olsson, C., Björk, M., & Ringnér, A. (2018). The Pediatric Inventory for Parents – Swedish Translation and Psychometric Testing. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, E97–E102.

Molin, J., Lindgren, B.-M., Graneheim, U. H., & Ringnér, A. (2018). Time Together : a nursing intervention in psychiatric inpatient care : feasibility and effects. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27(6), 1698–1708.

Molin, J., Lindgren, B.-M., Hällgren Graneheim, U., & Ringnér, A. (2017). Does ”Time Together” increase quality of interaction and decrease stress? : A study protocol of a multisite nursing intervention in psychiatric inpatient care, using a mixed method approach. BMJ Open, 7(8).

Minnock, P., Ringnér, A., Bresnihan, B., Veale, D., Oliver, F., & McKee, G. (2017). Perceptions of the cause, impact and management of persistent fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis following tumour necrosing factor inhibition therapy. Musculoskeletal Care, 15(1), 23–35.

Carlsson, T., Melander Marttala, U., Mattsson, E., & Ringnér, A. (2016). Experiences and preferences of care among Swedish immigrants following a prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defect in the fetus : A qualitative interview study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16. Published.

Molin, J., Hällgren Graneheim, U., Ringnér, A., & Lindgren, B.-M. (2016). From ideals to resignation : interprofessional teams perspectives on everyday life processes in psychiatric inpatient care. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 23(9–10), 595–604.

Ringnér, A. (2016). Strategier för att minska barns obehag vid sårbehandling. Sårmagasinet, (4), 21–23. Hämtad från

Ringnér, A., Karlsson, S., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2015). A person-centred intervention for providing information to parents of children with cancer : experiences and effects. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(3), 318–324.

Ringnér, A., & Olofsson, B. (2015). ”Låt sjuksköterskestudenterna få göra empiriska studier”. Dagens Medicin. Published. Hämtad från

Ringnér, A., Björk, M., Olsson, C., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2015). Person-centred information to parents in paediatric oncology (the PIFBO study) : a study protocol of an ongoing RCT. BMC Nursing, 14. Published.

Olsson, C., Ringnér, A., & Borglin, G. (2014). Including systematic reviews in PhD programmes and candidatures in nursing : ”Hobson”s choice’? Nurse Education in Practice, 14(2), 102–105.

Ringnér, A. (2014). Why, when, where and how to inform parents within paediatric oncology? NOPHO/NOBOS Annual Meeting : Programme and Abstract Book, 98. Hämtad från

Rydmell, L., Ringnér, A., Lagerfors, C., & Öster, I. (2013). Does Gender Matter? : Nurses’ communications with children during blood test procedures. Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning, 3(4), 300–312.

Ringnér, A. (2013a). Information till föräldrar som har barn med cancer (PhD dissertation, Umeå universitet). Hämtad från

Ringnér, A. (2013b). Information till föräldrar som har barn med cancer. Barnbladet, 38(6), 32–33. Hämtad från

Ringnér, A., Öster, I., Björk, M., & Graneheim, U. H. (2013). Talking via the child : discursively created interaction between parents and health care professionals in a pediatric oncology ward. Journal of Family Nursing, 19(1), 29–52.

Ringnér, A. (2011). Föräldrars erfarenhet av information inom barnonkologin. Pågående omvårdnadsforskning : en guldgruva för säker patientvård. Presenterad vid Pågående omvårdnadsforskning – en guldgruva för säker patientvård, Umeå, 8 december, 2011. Hämtad från

Senn, B., Kirsch, M., Sanz, C., Karlou, C., Tulus, K., de Leeuw, J., … Cleary, V. (2011). How cancer research could benefit from the Complex Intervention Framework : students’ experiences of the European Academy of Nursing Science summer school. European Journal of Cancer Care, 20(1), 1–4.

Ringnér, A., Jansson, L., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2011a). Parental experiences of information within pediatric oncology. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 28(4), 244–251.

Ringnér, A., Jansson, L., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2011b). Parental experiences of information within pediatric oncology. Presenterad vid European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress, 23-27 September 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

Ringnér, A., Jansson, L., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (2011c). Professional caregivers’ perceptions of providing information to parents of children with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 28(1), 34–42.

Ringnér, A. (2010). Caregivers’ perceptions of providing information to parents within paediatric oncology. Presenterad vid Nordic Society of Pediatric Oncology Nurses. Congress (2010 : Tromsø. Hämtad från

Mattsson, E., Ringnér, A., Ljungman, G., & von Essen, L. (2007). Positive and negative consequences with regard to cancer during adolescence. Experiences two years after diagnosis. Psycho-Oncology, 16(11), 1003–1009.

Ringnér, A., Karlsson, S., & Hällgren Graneheim, U. (u.å.). A person-centred intervention for information to parents of children with cancer : experiences and effects. Hämtad från

Molin, J., Hällgren Graneheim, U., Ringnér, A., & Lindgren, B.-M. (u.å.). Patient experiences of taking part in Time Together – a nursing intervention in psychiatric inpatient care. Hämtad från

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